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Pastor Jason and Riann Hood long to see others know God's love and acceptance.  Jason leads the CARE Team of 3trees Church.  His responsibilities are numerous, but his specific mission is to
C - contact
A - assist
R - relate
E - encourage
the attendees of 3trees Church.  Jason and his team are available for you during your times of hospitalization or grief.


Eric & Mandy

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Nat Grace & Dawes

Jason & Riann

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We’re high school sweethearts, together, ever-discovering The Way, The Truth & The Life. Every aspect of our life is about Jesus, all about Jesus, and it will always be about Jesus!  The greatest gifts we’ve been given are our two children, whom have taught us more about God and His heart than we could have ever imagined.

We are humbled by the opportunity God has given us to lead 3trees Church and we look forward to the opportunity to connect with you. We hope to meet you in person soon!

Grace & Favor,
Pastor Eric & Mandy


Meet the Lead Pastor

Meet the Care Pastor

 You may reach his office directly through the form below

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