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Finding Needs & Meeting Them

CAPTIVATE: Casey County

Thanks to the Casey County Board of Education, 3trees Church has been able to expand CAPTIVATE outreaches into the Casey County.  3trees Volunteers partner in the annual county-wide Back-to-School Bash to serve students with new backpacks and school supplies, along with free plate lunches and much more! Each year, nearly 600 individuals are served in two hours. 

CAPTIVATE: Russell County

Candy Trail is the only CAPTIVATE event to be hosted on the property of 3trees Church, but it has become the largest of all our outreach endeavors.  Serving as an alternative for trick-or-treating, Candy Trail has become a destination of choice for the families of the Lake Cumberland region on Halloween night. Hayrides, hot dog roasts, games, prizes, carnival games, and loads of candy make for unforgettable fun, as people assemble from over 12 counties on the hillside of 3trees Church for this night of Life-Giving fellowship! 

CAPTIVATE: Adair County

Our first major outreach as a church was in 2007 when we launched CAPTIVATE: Adair County. Each year the outreach to Adair County has grown in volunteers, services offered, and community attendance.  During the event, 3trees Volunteers supply free clothing, free oil changes, free lunch plates, free haircuts, & a variety of other free services - as Everything is Free & Everyone is Welcome! 

CAPTIVATE: Christmas

"Finding Needs & Meeting Them" is the motto of all CAPTIVATE events.  No time of year sets the stage for this vision to be fulfilled more than the Christmas season.  Each December, the testimonies which come in from families who are reached through CAPTIVATE: Christmas are beyond moving. Click the link below to read the anonymous testimonies from CAPTIVATE: Christmas 2013.




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