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the love of Jesus through serving.

Many of us want to believe that our family and friends who have not confessed Christ will be accepted into heaven because they are basically "good people." InHow Good is Good Enough Andy Stanley shatters this false belief by reminding us that heaven is not filled with good people, but with people who have received God's grace. This powerful teaching on grace will bring you closer to God and will help you introduce family and friends to the heart of the Christian faith.

How Good is Good Enough?
By: Andy Stanley

People matter to God. That foundational truth is why Bill Hybels planted a church where people can hear a clear, contemporary presentation of the gospel, relate to others who have decided to follow Jesus and respond to the life-changing good news of the gospel. In Becoming a Contagious Christian you will discover why we are called to be Contagious Christians, how authenticity, compassion and sacrifice help us relate to seekers and how to clearly share the gospel with those you love.  Let "Becoming a Contagious Christian" revitalize your passion for evangelism and enable you to fulfill Christ's Great Commission!

​Becoming a Contagious Christian
By: Bill Hybels

What keeps people out of church? Rainer's research team interviewed hundreds of unchurched individuals to find out! Explore the five "faith stages" of non-believers—and which evangelistic approaches will most effectively reach them. Packed with fascinating data and dozens of stories, this hard-hitting study goes beyond vague assumptions to equip you with solid information you'll use.

The Unchurched Next Door
By: Thom S. Rainer

The Great Omission
By: Steve Saint

Everyone wants his or her life to count for something. Conventional wisdom suggests that only great people accomplish great things, but God does great things with common ordinary men and women, who are willing to be used by Him! There is a place for every believer in Christ's Great Commission! Our habit of sending a few highly specialized troops to fight the enemy, while leaving the vast majority of Christians out of this spiritual battle, is our Great Omission. This book tells how every believer has a significant role in God's plan to save the world, regardless of personal ability, age, gender, education, and race!

Recommended Reading

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